Biography: I am a Psychology major with minors in both Writing and English at Oregon State University. My passion in life lies in either helping people or inspiring them; the inspiration resulting in anything from tears to laughter. I find writing is a great way to accomplish both.
Artist Statement: My writing takes many forms, my current favorites being flash fiction and poetry. I have a tendency to soak up what I experience in my life, making my pieces equate to the soapy water that can be rung from a sponge, except hopefully much more vibrant.
Social Media: @rach_snyder on Instagram
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Alina Kroll • Mar 15, 2024 at 11:01 am
Thank you for sharing this poem, Rachel! It’s beautiful, and I particularly like the description of “honey streams of daylight” and how “winds” forms the end of the second stanza and the beginning of the third stanza. The spaces between “your absence” and “is more of a presence” create a lovely pause and really let me feel the person’s absence. Great work!