Orange Media Network


Orange Media Network


Orange Media Network


Submissions for ’24-’25 Edition

We only accept work from Oregon State University students. The submission deadline is December 2nd at 11:59pm PST. Fill out the required fields and attach up to five submissions. If you submit more than five pieces (including cloud links for audio/video and raw files for visual/written; and including multiple submission forms from one artist) we will ONLY consider the first five. Please keep in mind that the overall total of file uploads cannot exceed 40 MB. If your files exceed 40 MB, please submit another form.

All content submitted for magazine consideration may also be published on our website and/or social media. We reserve the right to edit prose or visual pieces based on formatting best suited for the print edition. We forbid the use of AI in the creation of your submissions. If you have any questions, email us at omn.prism [at] oregonstate [dot] edu.

Read the following for submission guidelines:

Titles are required for all submissions. Do not put “Untitled” as your title. If your piece does not have a title, it will not be considered for publication.

Literary Submissions

700-word limit for prose pieces, use a readable 12-point font, save as pdf or doc only. If you are submitting an excerpt from a longer work, please make a note at the top of page. DO NOT write your name anywhere in the file(s) you upload.

Visual Art Submission

300 PPI quality image, JPG or PNG format. Do not have your name anywhere in the file(s) you upload. (Note: an illegible signature is fine.)

Video & Audio Submissions

Under 20 minutes long, submit by sharing a Google Drive or other cloud sharing link to your file rather than uploading the file directly. Use the text submission boxes titled video or audio link to copy and paste the link into the form.

And remember to have fun! We don’t pick a theme until after we see the submissions, so it is entirely up to you to decide what you’d like to share. We can’t wait to see what you submit!


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