Aspen McCallum
Aspen McCallum is a multimedia artist working with themes of memory, personal experience, and fantasy. A Pacific Northwest artist, born in Washington state and raised in Colorado, McCallum currently resides in Oregon. Their work encompasses several styles from realism to abstraction. Graduating in 2025 with a Bachelors of Fine Arts and a minor in Art History from Oregon State University, McCallum’s practice focuses on printmaking, painting, and drawing. You can find more of their work on instagram @mpm.artwork
Austin Thornton
Austin Thornton is a possible human studying at Oregon State University, and the winner of Oregon State University’s Writing in Culture Award (2023). Their work is featured in PRISM Magazine, The Daily Barometer, *82 Review, and KBVR-TV’s Lyrical Lounge. They are currently working on a novel in their spare time.
Bella Soth
Hi! I’m Bella, an OSU student that is majoring in graphic design, with a minor in studio arts. Art has always been a big part of my life, and I love incorporating my love of writing by creating different worlds and characters. A lot of what I work on dives into the concept of “found family”, or finding close relationships where one might not. Character design is something I’m really fascinated and passionate about, so a lot of my work takes on a more cartoon-ish, stylized approach. I get inspired by a lot of graphic novelist, cartoons, and other artists with more animated styles. I hope you enjoy my work!
B. Hannah
B. Hannah is a senior creative writing, Indigenous studies, and German student at OSU. As the legend goes, she’s a storyteller who wandered her way into writing poetry and has been unable to find her way home (not that she’s complaining). She loves to incorporate her love of linguistics, her Cherokee culture and heritage, and her connection to her hometown of Las Vegas into her writing. She is the winner of the 2024 Provost Literary Prize in Poetry and has been featured in the past two issues of PRISM. She’s known for reading too many books about witches.
Brandon Stephenson
My name is Brandon Stephenson and I’m a fourth-year graphic design major! I’m a passionate artist spending most of my time on digital art and have recently been exploring the worlds of 3D modeling and music production. I love physical art and am eager to learn and become a better designer and creative.
Brooke Jennings
Brooke Jennings is a fourth year Psychology and Studio Art student at Oregon State who has combined a love for art with a passion for exploring new ways to be creative. Through practicing outside their signature mediums of drawing and painting during their time at Oregon State, Brooke has had the opportunity to explore new forms of expression, which include mixed media, collage, fiction writing, poetry, sculpture, digital media, installation and more. Before moving to Corvallis, Oregon, Brooke was born and raised in Southern California, where they began their enthusiasm for creativity and the world of art. Since moving to Oregon, they have had the opportunity to be involved in multiple art installations, including their own group installation at the local Joan Truckenbrod Gallery. Brooke has also had the opportunity to be a club and leadership member of “Montage” Fine Arts Club at OSU, which has further connected them with the amazing Corvallis art community. They look forward to the future of sharing their art with others and are very thankful for the support expressed by other artists and friends in the community!
Brook Ferris
Born in Alaska’s rugged beauty, Brook has been immersed in photography for over half of her life. Her upbringing in this inspiring setting fostered an early appreciation for the storytelling power inherent in a single image.
Now based in Oregon, her work challenges societal norms by focusing on systemic violence and gender equity, particularly in male-dominated professions. Brook’s photography blends personal narrative with broader social commentary, exploring themes of identity, resilience, and justice.
Whether capturing Alaska’s landscapes or documenting human experiences, her work invites reflection on the ties between place, memory, and the forces that shape our shared histories.
Cassius Love
Cassius Love is a first-year student studying microbiology. He enjoys writing poems and (very occasionally) plays, and was featured on KBVR-TV’s Lyrical Lounge program reading original poetry in 2024. Cassius is from Washington State, and enjoys being in theater productions, watching Star Trek, and listening to Spanish ska music in his free time.
Chloe Vilevac
I’m Chloe, a 4th-year Graphic Design major with a minor in Studio Art. I enjoy dabbling in all things creative—from printmaking and illustrating to painting, music, and writing. I’m passionate about colorful, subversive pieces of artwork, particularly portraiture, and I’m endlessly inspired by my late grandmother Lynn’s achievements in painting and printmaking among other disciplines. I’m proud to submit works to Roots in mediums I picked up because of her.
Dharma Delahanty
I’m Dharma, and artist originally from Chicago, and now in Oregon for school. I have been creating art in many mediums all my life, and writing poetry since the first time a boy broke my heart (please laugh, it’s funny). My journey as a poet continued when I joined my high school’s competitive slam-poetry team. Nowadays, I write to understand our world’s magic. In fact, I think I’d perish if I didn’t. I gravitate towards poetry about love and pleasure, two of the greatest joys of my life and some of the most powerful magic out there.
Elizabeth Pritchett
My major is Zoology and my passion is illustration, and I try to bring the two together when I can. My other passions are creative writing, fiber arts, and letting dumb ideas spiral wildly out of control until they have ten pages of serious worldbuilding.
Ella Cave
Ella is a graduating third year at Oregon State University who loves writing anything creative. She grew up in Happy Valley, Oregon with her family and two dogs. She plays ultimate frisbee for the Oregon State club team and goes line dancing whenever she can.
Ella Ciffone
I love to create anything and everything. I find a lot of inspiration in nature and it is my favorite to photograph.
Fiona Daley
I am a multimedia artist who believes that art is life, as both vitality and purpose. The mediums I work with include music, songs, poetry, photography, videography, illustration, painting, and more. Being born and raised in a small and insular Montana town, I developed unconditional love for the environment, despite its uncertainty and occasional cruelty. This environment is where my roots were grown. From these roots often comes work that expresses my love, conflict, and connection to nature and places.
Flora Snowden
Flora Snowden is a senior studying English and creative writing. She is the recipient of two Academy of American Poets University Prizes and an Oregon State University Provost Literary Prize. She loves collaborating with peers on interdisciplinary projects and is a member of PRAx’s Reser Creative Scholars cohort. Her cat Shmoko is her greatest supporter.
Gabriella Grinbergs
I am currently a senior at OSU, earning a bachelor’s degree in Creative Writing, but have been writing since I was in the fourth grade. After college, no matter the career I end up in, I hope to carry my love for literature wherever I go.
Geneva Dixon
Geneva is a Graphic Design major and Art History minor, and in her free time focuses on her art and craft.
Grace Andrade
I was born and raised on the island of Oahu in Hawai’i and decided to go to Oregon State University to pursue a degree in biology with the concentration in ecology. I enjoy anything the outdoors such as backpacking and freediving, which is where a lot of the photos I take come from.
Holly Smith
I’m currently a third year fine arts student, focusing on drawing and painting. I’m a local to the area – less so Corvallis and more so the valley and hills surrounding. I grew up playing in the Willamette, running through Starker forest, and rolling in the sand dunes of the coast. My sense of home is deeply connected to the landscapes and people surrounding me, and that sense of home provides the main themes of my work.
Hope Matthews
I’m a fourth-year computer science student, but my focus is on UX design. To me, user experience applies to everything, whether it’s tech or art. Design is storytelling, and the mediums and styles we choose all convey something different. Even within a single medium, there are endless techniques and styles that share my mind in unique ways. I enjoy experimenting with different styles to find the best way to communicate a message.
Ian Tassin
Originally from a small town in a part of Louisiana known as Cancer Alley, for exactly the reasons you would expect, I have always been drawn to the escapism of stories in all forms. Stemming from a life-long interest and love I wrote and published a series of rulebooks for a TTRPG called Apotheosis a few years ago. More recently, my attention has turned to prose and poetry writing as I have been working on a collection of short-stories and poetry with the aim of publishing within the next two years.
Ingrid Price
My name is Ingrid Price and I am a fourth-year student majoring in Economics. In my free time I like to draw and make comics. One day I would like to publish a comic series of my own.
Jadon Allen
Jadon Allen is the founder of Guilt!, a Portland-based street art brand. Works vary from fashion, videography, murals, and photography. Countless hours are put into the production, with the goal of connecting with the underground art community.
Josie Hartung
Josie Hartung (she/her) is a fifth-year student majoring in Creative Writing. She is a member of the Creative Writing Society and Student Literature Club at OSU and was published in volumes 143 & 144 of PRISM. She often jumps from one form of writing to another, working on her urban fantasy novel one minute and then shifting to abstract poetry the next. When not writing, she can be found yapping with her friends and taking reference photos for later writing or photography projects.
Juni Johnson
What’s up!! My name is Juni, and I am an artist from the PNW. 🙂 I’m crazy about this planet, and I inject every ounce of my experience spent living on it into my artwork; a good thing, a necessary thing, and most always a vulnerable thing! Painting is my outlet for pent-up, kept-secret memories and emotions to release: to transform them into a shared experience and journey with others – to speak up for myself and indulge in capturing everything that I find painfully beautiful about life.
Kae Ranck
I’m just a college art student living at home with their parents who happens to love creating pieces that help me express my emotions and what I see around me.
Kate Zaine
I am in my fourth year here at Oregon State University. The people I’ve met along the way have been my biggest supporters in life and in art. I make art for myself, but also for them. To share beauty or pain or love is valuble. I am privledged to get to do this at any level.
Katie Livermore
Katie is a journalist and poet studying international relations, creative writing and chemistry at Oregon State University. She is in her fourth year and loves animals, singing and is always writing. A proud fourth-generation Ukrainian, Katie is writing a journalistic collection with interviews from Ukrainians internally displaced in Ukraine. Her goal is to travel to Ukraine one day to learn more about her roots!
Kite Sherman
Kite is a senior computer science and psychology student who is out there trying their best and staying silly! They love petting dogs, sleeping in late, and enjoying a sweet crunchy apple.
Since a young age, I have been a self-taught artist, nurturing a deep love for creativity and drawing emotions. My academic journey in Marketing, from undergraduate to a Master’s in Marketing Insights and Analysis, has enhanced my artistic approach. My inspiration is deeply rooted in my own emotions, my understanding of human behavior from my marketing studies, and the emotions of others, all of which seamlessly shape and influence my drawings.
Laurent Kate
Laurent is an artist and writer that enjoys creating soft, murky atmospheres for people to dwell in. They hail from the evergreen forests of Washington and frequent many coffee shops on campus. They love storytelling in all forms and have been on a bit of a horror game streak these last few months. They hope to one day live in a tiny house by the woods.
Lily Toenjes
My name is Lily, and I just entered my second year at Oregon State! I’m hoping to major in psychology, but I know deep down that creating is my passion!
Maria Tejeda Solorzano
Hello, I’m Maria, a third year graphic design and creative writing major, with a minor in studio art. As seen with my academic choices, I really enjoy art in any form it can be created and consumed. I focus on writing about dark, difficult, and tragic topics. I’m a Mexican immigrant which means my pieces will often include characters who have a similar background. Because of this, I often implement Spanish into everything I write. I love to read, draw, and eat sweet enchiladas too.
Masha Mogylevsky
A girl who loves to write poetry in her bed.
Max Cheskin
At the start of the pandemic, I began taking part in video game jams, team-based pseudo-competitions for making simple games. What I learned there drove my hobbies, major, and outlook on life.
During the Fall 2024 term, I had less time, but still wanted to create. Since games are always better off with a good story, I decided to practice by writing some.
My games are simple and small, so I don’t charge. Please note that my sole credit is the concepts, design, and code of the games; most sprites and music were made by others.
Mason Marske
Hello! My name is Mason and I study Kinesiology at OSU. I have a great passion for music and photography, especially portrait photography. Lately I have been experimenting with film photography, and I’ve learned so much from the delayed gratification and more intentional camera-setting choices! I love sharing my work with others at @milesmasonphotography on instagram!
Molly Varela
An adventurous artist from San Diego, California who found herself far from home, experiencing seasons for the first time in Oregon. Majoring in Digital Communications along with a minor in User Experience Research at Oregon State University, she is drawn to the unique and unusual classes OSU has to offer. Hobbies include Cuban Salsa, listening to music, sketching, and hiking.
Montana Burack
Montana Burack is a first-year college student studying Environmental Science at Oregon State. After taking a photography course in high school, she became enamored with the art form and began taking photos when traveling throughout her home state of Utah, and continues to do so in college. When not studying or snapping photos, she enjoys hiking, skiing, snowboarding, reading, talking to herself, and daydreaming.
Natalie Nafsinger
Hi, I’m Natalie! I am from Boise, Idaho. I’m a sophomore here at OSU and am studying Creative Writing. In terms of art, I love to write poetry, prose, and I love to draw. I also love listening to music and going to live shows. I love the local scene here in Corvallis! Other things I like to do are play soccer, be outside, and just be with my friends. 🙂
Nathan Bernstein
I’m a film photographer and writer originally from northern Colorado, and I’m an avid hiker, backpacker, and traveler.
Olivia Jeske
Olivia Jeske is a mixed media artist who enjoys drawing robots when she isn’t writing about them.
Olivia O’Halloran
Hello, my name is Olivia. I am a Senior mechanical engineering major with a minor in Aerospace. I have been creating art in one form or another for as long as I can recall, but in recent years I’ve fallen in love with digital art. Some of my other hobbies are playing tennis, occasionally practicing my Alto saxophone, and of course watching science fiction.
Phoebe Ison
I’m a multimedia artist, though I specialize in creating stained glass art.
I took a stained glass class through a local rec center in the winter of 2020 and bought my own supplies and started creating commissioned pieces out of my makeshift home studio. I was awarded the Sterling Scholar Scholarship in business for my small stained glass business known as The Underground Cathedral.
I currently sell my pieces on my instagram account, and have been experimenting with different styles, concepts and techniques in my collections over the years.
I produce The Lyrical Lounge, an open-mic poetry show at KBVR-TV and write a bit of poetry myself. Additionally, I do a bit of photography, drawing and painting and especially like to work with unconventional materials in my work.
Rachel Snyder
I’m a fourth year Psychology major, minoring in Writing. I love to write all manner of things, but poetry speaks to me the most. My work tends to draw inspiration from the feelings I have experienced, things I’ve witnessed, and universal questions I ask most frequently.
Rebecca Knight
I am a third-year Oceanography student, originally from Bend, Oregon.
Rhys Hodson
Rhys is a fiction/poetry writer and visual artist who has been creating ever since they could hold a pencil. He loves to explore the beauty and hope that live alongside darker themes in his work, often gravitating towards the natural world. They also are committed to providing queer and disabled representation. He intends to pursue a creative writing program at graduate school, and hopes to become a fantasy/sci-fi author in the future.
Riley Moffitt
I’m a second year graphic design student. I love creating and am excited to improve my skills here.
Sam Szekely
Sam is a third-year pre-law student majoring in political science and creative writing. When he isn’t scrawling in notebooks you can find him reading, playing guitar, doing textile arts, desperately trying to keep his plants alive, and offering unprompted fun facts about the Rocky Horror Picture Show.
Seirra Wolfe
An artist I am, some of the time. Hi! My name is Seirra Wolfe. I spend most of my time being a Soil Science Master’s student at OSU, which currently entails exploring the dirt beneath our feet and figuring out what I want my thesis to be about (I play this role with great gratitude). In the fleeting moments between my wonderment and despair, I get to be an artist. It’s my opportunity to pause and play with the big thoughts and feelings that occupy the background of my life- especially thoughts around nature, disability, and lived experience.
SHADYCRYPTID is a digital artist who specializes in character and nature illustration. Much of their work is inspired by their own life experiences and the world around them. He currently studies Electrical and Computer Engineering and posts his work mostly online. His work often includes his own characters and explores topics of mental health and music personified into artwork.
Shoshana Groom
Shoshana is a writer of folksy, feminist, and fantastical short stories, and is a 5th year sociology student at OSU. Her work is forthcoming or has appeared in Beneath Ceaseless Skies, 45th Parallel, and Corvid Queen, among other publications. She’s also the Assistant Editor for PRISM in the 2024-25 school year (yay!), and volunteers as a First Reader for Strange Horizons. When she’s not writing, she’s social dancing and trying to stop her pet rat from destroying all her stuff.
Sophia Townsley
Spencer Daniel
My name is Spencer and I am a third year Marine Studies student here at OSU. The physical environment as well as my lived experiences have always influenced my work. Lately I’ve been exploring how to visualize specific feelings and emotions through color and shape. I hope to incorporate art into my career, but I want to learn more about how our planet works so I can better represent it through art.
Sylvia Burkhart
I grew up in a house in the woods near Oakville, Washington. My childhood was filled with creativity and adventure, my sibling and I spent more time in creek beds and tree tops then any other person I know. We were homeschooled until middle school, so we never lost our love for reading, learning, and exploring. After going through public school, I enrolled in the running start program at South Puget Sound Community College and graduated this June with my Associates in Science. Here at OSU, I study zoology with the intent to focus on evolutionary biology.
Tuva Blom
My name is Tuva Blom, I’m a Swedish-American who immigrated to America at age 7. I’m a creative writing major in my last year here at Oregon State and during my time as an undergraduate, it has been my mission to share my writing as much as possible, particularly through Orange Media Network. I am so thankful for the opportunity to share my writing and experience the work of other creators at this university!
Wynne Brown
My name is Wynne and I’m a fourth-year biology major. I like to read, knit, talk to my sister, and play with my pets — two dogs and two cats. I also like to write, although I don’t do it nearly as often as I should. This year, I decided to volunteer with PRISM, and it’s been a wonderful experience. It’s also encouraged me to write more often.
Zoe Christian
I was raised in Aloha, Oregon with my two sisters. In my senior year of high school, I took an introductory writing class and a desire to study writing in college was ignited within me. Some of my favorite activities are going to see a movie at the Darkside, visiting the Book Bin, and spending time with my loved ones. I have a small black and white dog named Zero, he loves to curl up in my bedsheets and keep me company as I d homework, read, or watch a movie.
Zoe Farrell
Hi! My name is Zoe Farrell and I am originally from Colorado Springs, CO, but have been in Corvallis, OR for the past 4 years to study psychology as well as studio art. My main focus is in painting and find it to be one of my greatest satisfactions in life. I found the joy of art through a summer camp when I was younger and have never stopped creating since then. Along with visual art, I play the guitar and find that to be a close second to painting. I enjoy themes surrounding memories, mental health, and self discovery.