Poetry Feature: “Eyes” by Isabella Johnson

Isabella Johnson

Beauty in Color by Ania Ty


by Isabella Johnson


A thousand doorways

All the stars like eyes unbroken


And luster

We not break for gold asunder

There bow us

Absorbed in night the king sees not

However many his eyes unlaced


The world rises in the morning

He brushes her lips,

Moth wings against marble, cracked


Her fingertips,

They breach his heart to dust,

From dust

to dust

A mountain grows

From their trust ten thousand eyes like doors

Open and shut


A thousand and scores

These cliffside eyes

The world sighs under the burden

What in this life is certain?


Orion sky on sidewalk chalk

She watches the night against the cold

For him

She would be his nothingness, his bride

If he would not be king


We watch the mountain glory

Crowned in ashes

Blood stains the rain

She catches

Against her skin


On his knees he weeps

All the world drips from his hands

Paper crown torn from his head

By her eyes

Her silent eyes

Gold silent gazing


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