Orange Media Network


Orange Media Network


Orange Media Network



Prose Feature: “Flowers” by Erin Dose

Erin Dose June 12, 2020

 FlowersBy Erin DoseThere were flowers at her birth, bouquets as gifts and stuffed into dusty vases of lukewarm water. There were flowers at the first birthday, arranged simply with half-hearted effort,...

Bloom by Joshua Bayani

Poetry Feature: “A Nonexistent Shore” by Jordan Le Blanc

Jordan Le Blanc February 4, 2020

A Nonexistent Shoreby Jordan Le Blanc Laughter being madeSorrow being portrayedDisease yet unknownThe ache seeps deeper than bone Futures held dearBeings yet show fearChaos yet here, remainedAs the mind...

An Abstract: “lady Electric” by Pocket Patino

October 15, 2019

Image: "Evade" by Hannah DuPontConstruction management engineering major Pocket Patino, who submitted "lady Electric" to Prism in spring of 2019, seems more than happy to toy with the strange and confusing....

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