Orange Media Network


Orange Media Network


Orange Media Network


The Official 2023 NaNoWriMo Graphic

NaNoWriMo Begins!

Jay Enghauser, Assistant Editor October 27, 2023

November is National Novel Writing Month, which means that writers across the world will be starting the challenge of writing 50,000 words of their novels in 30 days. There is a large community online...

Is it Okay to Use Clichés?

Cooper Theodore February 7, 2023

We’re told to avoid cliches in any art form, and often critique other art pieces for participating in them. And as we should. Cliches can often be counterproductive to any form of art. A poem...

Tips and Tricks: Writers Block

Tips and Tricks: Writer’s Block

Maricruz Trenado-Frias September 12, 2022

There is an argument about whether or not the thing we call writer's block is real or if we should even call it that. I don't think it is necessarily a mental block, but more so that our brains are stuck...

Black Poets

Black Poets

Christine Castles July 25, 2022

If you went to a high school like mine, you probably also experienced a drought of diverse writers in your education. And you may still notice a similar ubiquity of white male authors in assigned readings,...

Prisms Short Form Poetry Contest is Back!

Prism’s Short Form Poetry Contest is Back!

Natalie Harris, Editor February 21, 2022

If you were following along on our Instagram last year, you might recall we started doing some short form poetry contests. We're bringing it back this term and we can't wait to see what you submit to us! You...

Photo by NASA via Unsplash

Prose Feature: “National Space Day” by Darcy Pound

Darcy Pound May 7, 2021

Today is National Space Day! To celebrate one of our volunteers, Darcy Pound, wrote a short story about space exploration! Check it out below!'/*~/. space story .~*/' Choosing adventure is not an easy...

NaNoWriMo Interview

Beyond the Page: NaNoWriMo Interview with a Special Guest

November 15, 2020

Come join editors Julia Zeigler and Natalie Harris as they talk with NaNoWriMo participant, Kaylee Wallace! Learn her process and hear some great advice!Check out NaNoWriMo:'s...


Poetry Feature: “The Ineffable Machinations of the Universe” by Megan Tucker

Megan Tucker March 3, 2020

 The Ineffable Machinations of the UniverseBy Megan Tucker  Vermilion feathers wake mefrom wandering silence.Pointed proboscis of a mouth:My body insists on becom-ing earth again. Ephemeral,the gossamer...

Prism Art Journal Winter 2010

Throwback for the New Decade: Georgia

James Martinelli December 31, 2019

The poem 'Georgia,' written by James Martinelli, was published in the winter 2010 edition of Prism Art and Literary Journal. To herald in 2020, here is the piece from the beginning of the decade.GeorgiaCement...

BTP Prism Logo

“Johnny,” a story from the Beyond the Page podcast [Explicit]

Kevin Coalwell November 1, 2019

Prism contributor Kevin Coalwell tells the chilling story of young Johnny, and a life which would never be the same again.This podcast contains some language which may not be appropriate for all listeners.Want...

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