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Orange Media Network


Tips and Tricks: Writer's Block

Tips and Tricks: Writer’s Block

Maricruz Trenado-Frias September 12, 2022

There is an argument about whether or not the thing we call writer's block is real or if we should even call it that. I don't think it is necessarily a mental block, but more so that our brains are stuck...

Beyond the Page: Let’s Chat with Skeleton Boy!

Tosca Ruotolo, Editor May 6, 2022

In a very fun episode of Beyond the Page, Tosca is joined by members of pop punk band Skeleton Boy! They shoot the breeze and chat about musical roots, their evolution from stripped-down acoustic sets...

Poetry Feature: 2022 Provost Winner Aanaa Felema

Aanaa Felema May 4, 2022

I’ve Stopped Trying To Make Celery Taste Good 1. I hear it in a pop song for the first time as a child— a vegetable is a vegetable and also a dead weight. I see it for myself when I’m slightly...

Beyond the Page: Let’s Vibe with Glide Divine!

Tosca Ruotolo, Editor April 29, 2022

In this episode, Tosca interviews members of Corvallis space rock band Glide Divine! Tune in as they chat about the band's roots, corvallis vs out-of-state music scenes and local inspirations! Follow...

(left to right) Andres DeLos Santos, Kirstin Lovely and Alden Micklavzina study in the OMN office.

Tips for Staying Sane During Finals Week!

Tosca Ruotolo, Kimi Oshiro, Ardea C. Eichner, Editors and Volunteers November 30, 2021

As finals week rapidly approaches, the Prism staff wanted to supply some tips and tricks for staying productive, relaxed and healthy during this high-stress period. Good luck, we believe in you! Stay...

Beyond the Page: What’s the Deal with Halloween Costumes?

On this episode of Beyond the Page, Tosca, Eva and Emmalee discuss the ins and outs of halloween costumes. The group decides their favorite and least favorite kinds of costumes, what NOT to wear and costumes...

Photo by Jen Theodore via Unsplash

Spookiness Between the Stanzas

Natalie Harris October 31, 2020

Happy Halloween from us here at Prism! Last week I shared some spooky short stories to the blog, but today is the spookiest day of the year, so we are definitely still in that spooky spirit. If you’re...

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Support Black Creatives: A Comphrehensive List of Art Podcasts

Lisa Wilson June 18, 2020

Solo by Cooper BaskinsAre you looking for new podcasts to listen to? Not a problem. Here is a list of podcasts made by Black creatives; be sure to take a look!The SlowdownTracy K. Smith, former U.S. Poet...


Prose Feature: “Flowers” by Erin Dose

Erin Dose June 12, 2020

 FlowersBy Erin DoseThere were flowers at her birth, bouquets as gifts and stuffed into dusty vases of lukewarm water. There were flowers at the first birthday, arranged simply with half-hearted effort,...

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Beyond the Page: Shelter in Poems Poetry Reading

April 16, 2020

Join Assistant Editor Lauren Miller and Prism volunteers Darcy Pound and Lisa Wilson as they recite and discuss three different poems. Based on the Academy of American Poet's collection called "Shelter...


Poetry Feature: “Sorcery” and “Advisor” by Lauren Miller

Lauren Miller April 8, 2020

FA Chain Study 2 by Sara KerrIn honor of National Poetry Month, enjoy two poems written by Assistant Editor Lauren Miller. Sorcery Magic is modern hysteria, but sometimes I like to touch a flower, watch...

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Beyond the Page: Art in Times of Isolation

Editors Ardea Eichner and Lauren Miller have a discussion about their artistic endeavors during the COVID-19 epidemic, as well as where to find art supplies, new adventures, and what to do during quarantine. We...

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