Tips and Tricks: Writer’s Block

September 12, 2022
There is an argument about whether or not the thing we call writer’s block is real or if we should even call it that. I don’t think it is necessarily a mental block, but more so that our brains are stuck on one thing or are overused. For example, if most writers have multiple projects due around the same time, their brains can no longer work on anything else towards the end. That is why many writers stop writing for an extended time; there is no motivation, no deadlines, and no reason to stare at a blank page and create something. Writer’s block has been around since anyone can remember; there was no actual name or established term until recently.
Creative hangovers are the worst and have worsened the more I grow as a writer. However, there are always ways to get rid of or flush away until creativity returns. But every person is different; for me, taking a break from staring at my laptop is the first thing, the steps that follow are to take a hot bath and a nap.
Something small will always benefit you, not harm you. However, there will always be ways to get over the block and continue writing, even when you believe it is the end of your writing career, once a writer, always a writer.
Tips and Tricks
- Try using a blank document to write suggestions or simply new ideas.
- If possible, try and have days between writing to look at it with fresh eyes. This helps, especially when you get stuck and need new ideas.
- Never do a piece of writing in one sitting unless you know you can. It usually isn’t your best writing.
- Remember, writing is always due but never done; if you are working on a project, know that you can always go back and edit.
- Change of scenery, maybe your favorite place to write isn’t helping anymore. Try and find somewhere new.
- Don’t do your writing in your bed, and your bed is where you sleep and relax. Typically when you do homework or write in bed, your brain thinks you are ready for bed, and you will get tired and push it back.
- This doesn’t work for everyone, but try to plan out your writing schedule and put aside a couple of hours to write. This doesn’t have to be every day.
- Try a prompt and get the gears moving if you have difficulty getting started. This will give you an idea of what you can write or expand on.
- Always take a break, eat regularly, stretch and go outside.
- Take a short walk.
- Don’t give your writing a title, this way, you can still go in any direction.
- Have something on you to write or record at all times. Ideas come and go.
- It is okay to ramble on a page; some of the best ideas come from rambling on and on.
- Writing takes time; leaving the project and working on another is okay. This will give you time to come to the piece with fresh eyes.
- Remember sharing your work with others will open up a different perspective. This can help you with unfinished projects or even projects that you are uncertain about.
- The easiest way to start brainstorming is to read something that has inspired you or something new.
- Play, do something fun that gets you excited.
Writer’s block is tricky, but you can overcome it; these are just some things you can do. Create a list of things you enjoy and things that have helped you in the past!