Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Submissions

Natalie Harris

With the submission deadline quickly approaching (next Friday!), we want to make sure you have all the information you may inquire about. Hopefully this helps solve any worries or uncertainties so you can focus on being creative!

The Basics

+ When are submissions due?

November 20, 2020 at 11:59 p.m PST 

+ Where can I submit?

You can submit right here on the Backmatter Blog!

+ What can I submit?

Any creative medium you can think of! Per artist you can submit up to five pieces of work per annual edition, if you submit more we will only review the first five.

+ Who can submit?

Any and all current students at OSU!

Some Specifics

+ Is there a particular theme or can we submit anything?

No! The editorial team creates a theme based on your submissions, so send us anything.

+ Are video and audio submissions accepted?

Yes! Those submissions will be reviewed and posted on this blog, with a QR code placed in the magazine, if chosen.

+ Can I submit anonymously?

In order to verify you are a current student at OSU, we do require you to submit your first and last name in your submission. However, if you wish to remain anonymous, you can state “I wish to remain anonymous” in the “Brief Biography” section, and then continue on with your biography, if you’d like. If your piece is chosen for publication you will remain anonymous. Only the editor and assistant editor will know your identity, and it is our responsibility to keep that confidentiality.

After Submitting

+ How will I know if my submission has been submitted?

You will receive a confirmation email that serves as your receipt to let you know your submission has gone through successfully.

+ How does the review process work?

Our review committee consists of the editor, assistant editor, and our Prism volunteers. All submissions are reviewed anonymously, meaning that a number will be associated with your piece instead of your name. This is to help make sure there are no biases during the process.

+ When can I expect to hear from you if I’ve been accepted into the publication?

You’ll hear from us whether you’ve been accepted or not (that way nobody is left in limbo not knowing!) after the reviewing process is over, which is typically around week 3 of Winter term 2021.

+ Will there be a printed publication this year?

We are currently working with the publishing company, and our fingers are crossed that we will have a printed publication released Spring of 2021! No matter what, thanks to technology, this year’s edition will be published online along with our other digital copies.

We look forward to the coming months as we review your submissions and figure out what our theme will be for this year’s edition. Stay tuned for behind the scenes content as we get to work on making this magazine a reality! Are we missing anything that you want to know about? Send us an email at [email protected]

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